The B Word

There is this word that is enveloped in our daily conversations, and my guess is that we are all using this word multiple times per day, and dare I say mindlessly using this word.  It's a word we often use merely out of habit. It is over-rated and over-used.

Have you guessed it yet?

The "b" word I am referring to is BUSY.

Go with me here....
Margaret: Hey Susan! How are you?
Susan: I'm great, thank you! What have you been up to lately?
Margaret: I've just been busy with work, I'm looking forward to a day off. What about you?
Susan: Oh I can understand that. I've been busy with school drop-offs and pick-ups, homework, soccer practice, you know- Mom life.
Margaret: Well, I've got to run, I've got a to-do list of items to get busy with. Coffee soon?
Susan: Absolutely! Perhaps when things slow down for us both and we aren't so busy, we can meet up!

Okay so Margaret and Susan are me and you.  I made up that conversation but if I'm being honest, I didn't have to dig too deep to make that up.  I have a conversation along those lines all the time! Don't get me wrong.  I'm just as guilty as using the word "busy" as the next person.  It's just something that I've really been thinking about a lot lately.  Why do I use this word? Is it a filler word? What do I really mean when I say it? My mom always told me to say what I mean and mean what I say, after all.

busy: (adj) having a great deal to do; (verb) keep occupied [Thanks Google]

Here we are in 2018 and as a society, we are busier than ever! Not only do a large portion of today's adults work more than one income-producing job (including myself), but our schedules are full from morning until evening most days of the week.  We are busy with work, school, church, friends, family, community, and the list goes on and on.

Is being busy a good thing? Maybe.  Is being busy a bad thing? Maybe.

In my opinion...the things that we are busy with determines whether or not our busyness is good or bad.  It often seems that people do not feel accomplished unless they are constantly busy.  Since when did being busy constantly become a prerequisite to being successful and valued?  When did it become something to brag about?

I think that God definitely intended for us to be busy, however I think His definition and ours are vastly different.

He wants us busy with things that truly matter, which are not things at all.

We must be mindful to be busy for the right reasons.  We should be mindful to avoid becoming prideful in our busyness as well as being busy with the wrong things.

Again, I'm talking to myself more than anyone.  My priorities and schedule are a daily struggle that I am working on.  At the end of the day, I want what I've done to have helped me and others get to Heaven.  [Is my life reflective of this?]

Now what?

First, make a list of things that keep you busy.  Next, make a list of the things and people that mean the most to you.  Do these lists match up?  Margaret and Susan totally have time to meet up for coffee, but until they learn that their TRUE priorities dictate their schedule, they will keep saying "soon".

I saw a graphic on pinterest that said:

Instead of saying "I don't have time" try saying "It's not a priority" and see how that feels.

Ouch. That line is a toe-stomper. We all have the same amount of time in the day.  So before we judge Margaret for not signing up to bring homemade cookies to the neighborhood meeting because "she doesn't have kids, so she has much more time", think about the fact that she possibly has other things filling her time in this season of life.  She may have health issues, she may be taking care of her parents or grandparents, or she may be struggling with depression, just to list a few examples.  We ALL have places to be, people to see, and things to do.  Margaret's time is just as valuable as Susan's time. Your time is just as valuable as my time.

Nobody is too busy, it's just a matter of priorities.

Here are a few passages of scripture that I picked out that relate:

In Luke 10:38-42, we see the example of Mary and Martha, and how Jesus tells Martha that Mary chose what was better, by focusing on Him instead of all the things that needed to get done.

In Mark 6:31, Jesus recognizes the need for rest and getting away from the hustle and bustle.

In Romans 12:2, we are prompted not to be conformed to the patterns of this world.

Will you join me in striving to be different than the world, by being busy with the right things at the right time? Let's strive to be busy knowing God and making God known!

Bless and be blessed,
xo Jocelyn Claire xo
